Friday, 6 April 2012

Home Photos - Udhavum Ullangal Illam - Maraimalai Nagar

About MITE

MITE is a wonderful Place to help the poor and helpless people and also to entertain Orphan Children, Disabled(Physically & Mentally) Persons and Old Peoples without spending a lot of money but by making it with effort. It is focusing on planning for the holidays to spend time with them, gift giving or celebrating in a special occasions, entertaining them by organizing functions.
We the people in MITE, also need to give them many opportunities to be creative. This brings us to the subject of how important it is that the children or elders in the home, be given time to use their imagination in what seems to us to be non-productive ways. Children need to spend hours pretending.
Speed becomes the measure of success. So we are dealing with quite a challenge in keeping  them enthusiastic. We need to find ways to emphasize the joy of doing a creative activity.
If we can let go of perfectionism and just enjoy their own creative process they will notice and feel more comfortable trying new things.
Help them, encourage them, entertain them and let them have at it.